

Tuesday, March 17 - Varsity sprinters, jumpers, vaulters, throwers

Posted by Rick Fleege on Mar 17 2020 at 11:43AM PDT

After today, I will get these out first thing in the morning. I do understand that your school day is most likely starting at 9:00 and could last anywhere from 3-5 hours (depending on your grade level).
Sprinters, jumpers, vaulters:

Warm up: get your heart rate up at 5-10 minutes (jog, jump rope, bike) and almost into a sweat and then incorporate the dynamic movements that we do as part of our warm up before we start sprinting.

2 × 50 meter sprints with full recovery (heart rate back to pre sprinting pace)
2 × 100 meter sprints with full recovery (heart rate back to pre sprinting pace)
2 × 150 meter sprints with full recovery (heart rate back to pre sprinting pace)

We have used trees or poles as marking points in the past at practice. If this does not work for you, then time your run. Use a timer on your phone or have a parent or sibling time you. I would suggest 5-8 seconds for 50 meters; 12-16 seconds for the 100 meters; 18-22 seconds for the 150 meters.

If you are strictly a jumper, take out the 150 meter sprint and insert 4 × 25 meters (or 4-5 seconds).

Cool down – Get your heart rate back to normal and perform Collin’s hip flow exercises that he taught you last week.

Throwers: I will get back to you once I hear from Willie. I would suggest you follow the warm up and cool down that he has done with you in the past. Until I hear from him, perform 8 short sprints of 10-25 meters in duration to engage your fast twitch muscle fibers in getting across the ring.


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