

Monday- March 30th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Mar 30 2020 at 01:33AM PDT

Hello to all,
It’s a fresh start! For some of you that offers the chance to continue your commitments, and to others a great opportunity to jump back on the wagon & commit yourself to a solid week of training.
This week we start a new session of core & mobility, which will last for the next two weeks. Also, captains tomorrow is a check in date with your groups. So please be prepared to reach out. Thank you!
As for the order of the videos for today. Please start by watching 1.”Starter video” 2. Your respective training video.
3. “Core & mobility” 4. (Just for my jumpers) “Jumping drills” 5. “Recovery”
You all are doing so well. Keep it up.
God bless,
Coach Patrick