

Monday, April 6th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Apr 05 2020 at 09:55PM PDT

It’s Monday! Start of a new week. Let this be the week where some of you get back on track. (Pun intended) You can do this !!!
For others who have been consistently putting in the work, nicely done and keep going strong!
Today’s goal for practice is to get both your body and mind ready for another week of isolated training. Try to find the benefits that come from this current global situation. Perhaps some of you are beginning to see how capable you are, others maybe are finding out what a blessing teammates and a team are. No matter where you are in the whole thing, just know that you can do whatever you put your mind to. So consider making that mindset a positive one.
I used three words in today’s “Encouragement” video.
1. Toughness: the ability to deal with hardship or to cope in difficult situations.
2.Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
3.Grit: courage and resolve; strength of character.
These three qualities hold the keys to how you will be able to achieve a season of isolation.
Toughness: to address the hardships, gratitude: to be thankful for your health and ability to run/ thrive, Grit: to expose your character to yourself.
Character isn’t tested in still waters, but rather in the storm. Some of you need to hear that you can weather this storm, now go on and start by accomplishing Monday!
Watch :”Encouragement” video, followed by your respective training video. You got this.
Coach Patrick