

Tuesday, April 7th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Apr 06 2020 at 11:25PM PDT

Today would be our second official race of the season. So go out there today and give it a go! Push yourselves as if you are racing in front of a large crowd , and have competition.
I know it can be difficult to push yourself like you would in a race, however, one helpful tip is to accept the fact that you will be in pain the majority of your workout. Once you accept that, you can move forward in pushing yourself.
Today’s order of videos is: 1. “Encouragement” followed by your respective training group video.
Don’t forget to get in contact with your small groups. Don’t put all the pressure on the captains to get in contact first. You can all chip in by bringing encouraging words today! Todays a great day to be a leader!
Have a great day! Proud of you ,
Coach Patrick