
Good Friday message

Posted by Rick Fleege on Apr 10 2020 at 10:37AM PDT

As I am getting ready to watch the Good Friday mass from my parish of St. Francis Xavier, I was reflecting on the following:
“When life hits you in the mouth” is the title of a chapter in a book that I am currently reading. Underneath the title is a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “The ultimate measure of a person in not where they stand at moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy!”

To me, this describes this particular day for Jesus! He died for us even though he was wrongly accused, and he asked God to forgive those that were beating him, spitting on him, and ridiculing him saying “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”

This time of challenge for us having to stay away from each other, not spend time with extended family, and as athletes not knowing if we will be competing or not is a version of “life hitting us in the mouth.” Stay true to your character through these times as Jesus is doing for us today. Continue to stay strong and stay true to what is asked of us. Really, it could be a matter of life or death for some of those around us.
Sprinters, Jumpers, Hurdlers, Vaulters: Get some exercise with family members today if possible. Get a good stretch in or perform with the video I have recommended in the past “Yoga for sprinters”.

Tomorrow, follow Patrick’s Saturday workout. Stay tuned for his plan.


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