

Thursday, April 16th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Apr 16 2020 at 05:47AM PDT

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up” – Babe Ruth
Hello to all,
What a simple quote, yet so true. Be the person who gets outside today, and puts forth the effort. In running, and often life it’s the person who simply doesn’t give up that gets the best results.
It’s Thursday, which means it’s a workout day. Make sure you hydrate well before taking on the workout. Please watch : 1. The “encouragement” video 2. Your respective training groups video , and lastly finish your workout with 30 minutes of stretching & foam rolling.
If you’re reading this you’re already halfway there. Keep it up! Now finish the other half by getting out the door and doing YOUR best.
God bless,
Coach Patrick