

Monday, April 20th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Apr 19 2020 at 10:44PM PDT

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”
1 Corinthians 9:24
It’s the start of week #7 of our season. I can’t tell you how much joy it brings me to coach you all. To see you still forging ahead despite the challenges makes me proud. Keep it up!
Today is a designed shakeout day. What that means…. the goal is to still get some work in; without adding to much stress to the body. If you have soreness or tightness in the muscles this is a great day to get that flushed out. So the main focus is getting your run in, so that you can focus your energy on recovery.
I noticed a few captains have already turned in their squads ‘report cards’. Well done everybody. Such good effort team. Even if you aren’t reaching that 5+ workout number per week, or aren’t getting all the videos watched; turn in your report card. Be honest! There is nothing to be embarrassed about, just keep challenging yourself. For it is the pursuit of YOUR personal best that I care about! For those of you getting all 6 workouts in … how awesome! Keep rolling, your doing amazing.
Today watch your respective workout video. Turn in your report card for the week, and focus on health. Take care of your bodies. Just a few weeks left so let’s stay healthy, and keep pushing our limits.
I can’t say it enough…. I’m so proud of you all!
Coach Patrick