

Friday, April 24th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Apr 24 2020 at 01:05AM PDT

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
Perseverance is quickly becoming the word of this 2020 track and field season. I understand that the easiest and most common response to the MSHSL ruling would be to quit what you have all started. However, I think you all are worth it. Your worth taking the information you have and know, and continue to challenge yourselves both mentally and physically.
I will be honoring the ruling by not giving any new instruction for training, but I do intend to still put out content daily that I feel to be beneficial to you as athletes, and more importantly young people.
My heart goes out to you all, and clearly this was not the way we wanted things to turn out. However, what still stands out to me is the many life lessons we have learned thus far, and can continue to learn through this pandemic. We’ve learned we are resilient, dedicated, capable, and able to adapt. Adaptation ,in my opinion, is one of the best skills one can attain; as life continues to move on regardless of our circumstances. Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. We will get through this together. I’m working things out. The incentive program is still in place so keep in contact with your small groups. Information to follow. Today’s Friday so reach out to your small groups for encouragement.
As for today : start by watching the “update” video , followed by the “Friday feature”.
So proud to be your coach!
Coach Patrick