

Monday, April 27th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on Apr 27 2020 at 05:46AM PDT

Ok, so a fresh start to the week. A few things to cover with the new transition taking place. Although coaches can’t currently give out Physical training plans, that does not mean we can not coach. So I plan on continuing with our Wednesday “parable talk”, and our “Friday feature”. Starting tomorrow I will also be making daily video shorts on a range of different topics .
Also, for those of you who are wondering how you can stay in shape or finish this season without daily training advice from your coach. There are roughly 5 weeks left in the season, and roughly 5 weeks of training videos currently on teampages. You can start from day one of videos and follow the program; which in turn would get you through the season.
You guys can access pre existing training videos that will carry you through the remaining weeks of the season, in addition to new content that doesn’t regard running. So stick with it!
As for those of you taking on the challenge of the incentive program. You will still be accountable for watching the new videos which will start tomorrow, and have to write a brief recap of what the topic is about and what you took or learned from it. At the end of the week you will send your responses to your small group captain. I will give more details regarding the expectation of your responses in Tuesday’s video.
Thanks for being so flexible and hardworking through these challenging times. Keep motivated, and pushing yourself. The finish line is in sight; don’t stop now!!!
Proud of you!
Coach Patrick