

Monday, May 4th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on May 03 2020 at 09:46PM PDT

“Many will start fast, few will finish strong.”
-Gary Ryan Blaire
The finish line is in sight, you’re almost there. Part of finishing strong is all wrapped up in one word: PURPOSE. So find a purpose this next 4 weeks of training. Everyone’s purpose may be different, and that’s ok. Just have one. Some days that purpose may just be to get out of the house, and other days may be more inspiring. However, the main goal is to finish strong! You’re worth it.
I’m super proud of the work you have put in thus far. Let’s see this through now.
So today let’s set the tone, start by: watching the “encouragement“ video, followed by your respective training video. *Core & mobility video / jumpers video under April 15th.
Thanks for being a part of this journey.
Coach Patrick