
Sprinters - Monday May 4th - Plyometrics

Posted by Rick Fleege on May 04 2020 at 06:21AM PDT

As I said last week, the sprinting workout should be performed twice a week. Follow the workout that’s in the “document” tab under “media”. The other days will be for some form of strength building with a focus on developing the core (all muscles that attach to the hip area and spinal column)

The first non-running workout of the week is plyometrics (see the attached document). This is when you activate your muscles into a forceful contraction right after they were relaxing. This stimulates the muscles to move quickly called a stretch-shortening cycle. The classic plyometric is jumping rope: the muscles attached to your ankle are relaxed in between each jump and then they forcefully contract for the jump.

This full workout should only be performed twice a week since it is taxing on your body. So, I suggest saving the second workout for Thursday, Friday, or Saturday of this week (depending on when you do your first plyometric workout).

The document T_F_off-season_training.pdf was attached to this post.


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