

Tuesday, May 5th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald on May 05 2020 at 05:51AM PDT

Hello to all,
Ok, folks it’s a workout day. One simple trick to having a successful workout is having a confident attitude before you even begin. I encourage you to take a mindset that says “I’m getting this done, and I’m going to push myself today”. Secondly, understand that workouts are meant to be uncomfortable or painful. It’s hard to get better at something if you never push yourself. With that being said I am NOT encouraging you to run irresponsibly, but rather in a way that challenges your current fitness level. If you do so, there will be some pain involved.
Also, it’s Tuesday so please get in contact with your small groups. I know it’s getting to that point in the school year and season where it’s easy to take shortcuts. I’m encouraging you not to. You’re worth putting in the effort and continue building good habits.
So for today: watch your respective training video and be in contact with your group; your captain should have a question for you!
Build good habits, and continue being resilient!
Coach Patrick