News and Announcements

Friday - March 27th

Posted by Rick Fleege at Mar 27, 2020 6:32AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

If you haven’t already, listen to Patrick’s “Friday Feature”. It’s an inspiring story relevant to what we are going through together even though we are apart during this track season.

I hope your meet simulation went well yesterday. We’re definitely creating a source of self-motivation. The more you stay true to yourself, the more you will be a self-reliant person as you continue to move forward in life. People respect those that are responsible and accountable to themselves and others. This is what drives your character.

I miss you guys!

Sprinters, Jumpers, Hurdlers, Vaulters, Throwers:
Get outside and play today. Use your muscles in a different way than you do when training for our season. Play hard enough to get into a sweat. Have fun! Laugh!

Finish it off with a good and long stretch. Work each muscle group in at least 2 different ways (DYNAMIC – stretching while moving; beginning of practice movements and STATIC – not moving; after practice movements)

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Friday-March 27th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 27, 2020 12:53AM PDT

Happy Friday to everyone!
Hoping your race simulation was a success, and by success I mean you gave it your best effort. Anytime you put forth your best effort you have a lot to be proud of. Keep working hard.
Today is a shakeout day as we prepare for one more workout this week. Keep it up!
Watch your respective workout plan for the day, then follow that up by watching the “Friday feature”.
Proud to be your coach .

Thursday - March 26th - meet day

Posted by Rick Fleege at Mar 26, 2020 7:35AM PDT ( 1 Comment )

Good morning everyone,

Let’s keep moving forward and simulate a meet today. Stay focused and improving. The MSHSL is holding on hope that we will have some form of a season. Keep praying if you haven’t already!

The girls’ uniforms came in earlier this week and were ready to be introduced at today’s conference indoor meet in Foley. The picture that I recently uploaded shows a spandex model (on the right) and a traditional model (on the left) that we purchased a certain number of each style. The front and back of both spandex and traditional tops are the same. The final design was picked by our senior girls after looking at 4-6 different models and designs.

As far as the boy’s uniforms are concerned, we will evaluate this summer whether to buy a new set or not.
Sprinters, Hurdlers, Jumpers, Vaulters, Throwers:
Meet preparation:
Find a video of a college or Olympic athlete performing the event(s) that you plan to compete in this spring. Watch it and study the finer details (power knee, foot placement, arm angles, tall chest, etc.)


Lay on your back, close your eyes, take a minute or two to deep breathe, and using your 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, & smell) I want you to imagine yourself performing the way that athlete did. Spend 1 -2 minutes on this. Use your mind to make it feel real for your body and perform the following while still laying on your back and pretend you are at the indoor conference meet today. Now spend at least 5-10 minutes on this on the following.
– In your mind, simulate packing your bag, checking your spikes the night before, riding the bus to Foley, making camp with your team, team lap and prayer, jogging more laps and other warm up drills with your event group.
– Perform your event. Imagine being that previous college/Olympic athlete and put yourself in their shoes (spikes) as you perform your event. If you are competing in a field event, perform the 3 jumps, throws, or moving the bar up in the HJ and PV.
– Also mental train your warm up and cool down. If you have another event, warm up, compete, cool down again. If you have concurrent events going on, plan how you will balance those multiple events.


Have fun with this, compete with yourself and stay focused for when this is real!

If possible do this on a soft surface. The tracks we compete on are softer than the roads we run on in practice.

Do your warm up and any drills that your coach would normally suggest. Make sure you are very warm and completely ready to perform. Keep your warm clothes on until ready to “compete”.

Sprinters, hurdlers: Mark out your distance and compete 1 time at 100% effort.

Throwers: Do you have anything 8 pounds (girls) or 12 pounds (boys) that you can throw?

Jumpers: Follow Jason’s suggestions for today -
Measure some Standing Long Jumps or Standing TJ. 3-4 of each like a meet.
In addition, they can do 2 sets of 10 of:
Squat jumps
-Box jumps ( if they have a safe option for an elevated surface 12-24”)
-Scissor jumps – with one foot up on a 12-18” step or platform, push off the top foot, jumping as high as they can, switching feet on the way down in prep for next rep with opposite foot.
-20 meters of Repetitive take offs (same as Mon)
focusing on last step being short for higher vertical.

Vaulters: Stay safe and stay away from vaulting. :) Do run throughs like you would at a meet to get your steps down.

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Thursday- March 26th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 25, 2020 10:48PM PDT

Hello to all!
Today you are going to have your first chance of the season to push yourself in a way that you have yet to do. The main objective for today’s workout is to simulate a race. It will no doubt be difficult, as part of the fun of racing is the competition aspect. That’s where a good attitude and a strong mind will come into play. I challenge you to go into today with a “anything can happen” mindset.
Please watch the “race simulation” video first , followed by your respective racing speciality, then get ready to run.
Also, please put extra emphasis on your warm up, drills, and strides today. You don’t want to go into your running cold.
Have a good workout and God bless.
-Coach Patrick


The weather today is not a favorable day for being outside, but make the time to get outside at some point today and take in some fresh air and get away from your screens and devices.

As far as a workout today, bring back the “yoga for track sprinters” video and follow along. We’ll call it a pre-meet workout since tomorrow would have been our first official meet of the season (Conference Indoor meet in Foley).

Tomorrow: Track meet simulation