News and Announcements

Senior Tribute - Allison Windfeldt

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 19, 2020 8:56AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Allison, You have been a consistent and improving sprinter for our program. I remember hearing positive comments from the junior high coaches about you before I ever was able to work with you at the varsity level. I am grateful to you that we could rely on you to really be an older/experienced member to a young sprinting crew from the beginning. You always had a warm and calm demeanor with a strong work ethic. I appreciated those attributes from you. You have a skillset that I feel will assist you to accomplish everything you want. I am proud to have coached you Allison!

Senior Tribute - Allison Windfeldt

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 19, 2020 8:49AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Allison, You have been a consistent and improving sprinter for our program. I remember hearing positive comments from the junior high coaches about you before I ever was able to work with you at the varsity level. I am grateful to you that we could rely on you to really be an older/experienced member to a young sprinting crew from the beginning. You always had a warm and calm demeanor with a strong work ethic. I appreciated those attributes from you. You have a skillset that I feel will assist you to accomplish everything you want. I am proud to have coached you Allison!

Senior Tribute - Allison Windfeldt

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 19, 2020 8:49AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Allison, You have been a consistent and improving sprinter for our program. I remember hearing positive comments from the junior high coaches about you before I ever was able to work with you at the varsity level. I am grateful to you that we could rely on you to really be an older/experienced member to a young sprinting crew from the beginning. You always had a warm and calm demeanor with a strong work ethic. I appreciated those attributes from you. You have a skillset that I feel will assist you to accomplish everything you want. I am proud to have coached you Allison!

Sprinters and Jumpers

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 19, 2020 7:52AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

In case you haven’t seen the off season workout plans, refer to the 3 pdfs that are in the “Media” section posted under “Documents”.

The sprinting pdf, “SprintFIT-A-Guide-To-Sprinting-for-Fitness”, is for 2 days/week.
The strength training pdf “” is for 2 days/week.
The plyometric pdf “T_F_off-season_training” is for 1-2 days/week.

We will keep this site up all summer if you’d like to reference it.

Continue to see the Senior Tributes on the “news slider” at the top of the Teampages site. I have posted 8 of our seniors, and I will be posting James, Allison, Rachel, Hope, and Zanny’s in the next couple of days.

Post Author Picture

Tuesday, May 19th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at May 19, 2020 6:12AM PDT

Hello to all,
Today is Tuesday. Which means it’s time for a workout. You only have a couple more workouts and your season will be wrapping up. So take advantage.
Also, today is the day you should be communicating with your small group. Please don’t put all the pressure on the captains to create or maintain conversation. This does help with accountability, and also encouragement can go a very long way.
So watch your respective training group video and best of luck today. Make sure and push it, don’t overdue but challenge yourselves. Stay positive when the self doubt pops into your head. You can do it. Have a great workout.
Coach Patrick