News and Announcements

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Friday, May 1st

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at May 1, 2020 12:19AM PDT

It’s Friday! You are nearly finished with yet another week of training. However, you aren’t quite there yet. A few things: if you haven’t turned in last weeks “incentive report card” please do that, or it doesn’t count. Also, today’s Friday so you should all be in communication with your small groups, and encouraging one another. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to also thank the captain of your group; as they have been going above and beyond to help myself & this team to have the best season possible.
Side note: core and mobility video is a ways down on April 15th. So you can access that today.
Lastly, order of videos for today: “Friday feature”, then your particular training group video, and lastly be in communication with your group.
What a cool group of young people we have on this team.
Keep it up.
Coach Patrick

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Thursday, April 30th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 30, 2020 5:51AM PDT

“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; its the pebble in your shoe.” -Muhammad Ali

It’s Thursday which means it’s a workout day. Perhaps the pebble in your shoe today is: laziness, lack of discipline or motivation, fear, doubt. Whatever the pebble may be; just understand you must first address that before taking on today’s mountains, and the mountains ahead.
I am a firm believer in one day at a time. There will absolutely be challenges ahead, but you’ll address those when they come.
So for now just address whatever the pebble in your shoe is ,so to speak, and push yourself through today’s workout.
I can only imagine that having a season cancelled feels less than ideal. So go cement good habits by staying committed to yourself and your original goals. Although it’s not Friday, I would recommend you reach out to your small group and encourage them today. It’s easier to accomplish great things with a group.
So go watch your training groups video for today and give it a go.
Enjoy this wonderful day! Proud of you all.
Coach Patrick

Sprinting - Off season

Posted by Rick Fleege at Apr 29, 2020 8:22AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

My focus with you until May 29th will be off season training. I will focus on technique/form to assist you in efficient and powerful sprinting as well as incorporating strength. This will help you to become faster and stronger as you continue in the summer months and into your next sports season.

The attached document on sprinting should be used for a twice/week workout. I may not post everyday, but you can refer to this document that fits your schedule. Read through the entire document before you start and see the youtube links for demonstration and one for inspiration!

On other days, I will post workouts/suggestions to help with your strength/flexibility primarily in your core. Understand that “core” is more than your abs. Core is every muscle that connects to your hip bones and your spinal column including your abs. If you look it up, core really deals with over 30 muscle groups with their primary purpose to protect the hip area and spine.

Keep this Teampages website “bookmarked” as I will not be posting an email every time a workout is posted.

The document SprintFIT-A-Guide-to-Sprinting-for-Fitness.pdf was attached to this post.

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Wednesday, April 29th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 29, 2020 12:23AM PDT

Hello to all,
You’ve made it halfway through this weeks training. Good job. I’m happy to announce that we (as coaches) can continue to give lesson plans for the remainder of the season. You all have shown great resolve and patience thus far. So keep it up.
So today’s lesson plan is: 1. Watch the Parable talk video. 2. Watch your respective training plan video 3. Make sure and hydrate and get some rest. Like I’ve stated before, midweek is a great time to rest up for the second part of the week.
Thanks for being great.
Coach Patrick

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Tuesday, April 28th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 28, 2020 6:27AM PDT

“I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create ripples.” – Mother Theresa

Today’s lesson plan is to watch your video “Historical lesson”. Have a paper and pen nearby so you can jot down a few things at the end.
I hope you all have a wonderful day. Tomorrow’s video will be our Parable talk. Miss you all!
Coach Patrick