News and Announcements

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Monday, April 27th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 27, 2020 5:46AM PDT

Ok, so a fresh start to the week. A few things to cover with the new transition taking place. Although coaches can’t currently give out Physical training plans, that does not mean we can not coach. So I plan on continuing with our Wednesday “parable talk”, and our “Friday feature”. Starting tomorrow I will also be making daily video shorts on a range of different topics .
Also, for those of you who are wondering how you can stay in shape or finish this season without daily training advice from your coach. There are roughly 5 weeks left in the season, and roughly 5 weeks of training videos currently on teampages. You can start from day one of videos and follow the program; which in turn would get you through the season.
You guys can access pre existing training videos that will carry you through the remaining weeks of the season, in addition to new content that doesn’t regard running. So stick with it!
As for those of you taking on the challenge of the incentive program. You will still be accountable for watching the new videos which will start tomorrow, and have to write a brief recap of what the topic is about and what you took or learned from it. At the end of the week you will send your responses to your small group captain. I will give more details regarding the expectation of your responses in Tuesday’s video.
Thanks for being so flexible and hardworking through these challenging times. Keep motivated, and pushing yourself. The finish line is in sight; don’t stop now!!!
Proud of you!
Coach Patrick

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Saturday, April 25th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 24, 2020 11:53PM PDT

Charles Swindoll
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes”

Every year I use this quote, and that will not change as long as I’m coaching. Please read this , and then read it again.
Today this is your lesson plan.
Monday we will be starting a fresh week of video lesson plans; till then have a great weekend !
God bless,
Coach Patrick

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Friday, April 24th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 24, 2020 1:05AM PDT

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” – Samuel Johnson
Perseverance is quickly becoming the word of this 2020 track and field season. I understand that the easiest and most common response to the MSHSL ruling would be to quit what you have all started. However, I think you all are worth it. Your worth taking the information you have and know, and continue to challenge yourselves both mentally and physically.
I will be honoring the ruling by not giving any new instruction for training, but I do intend to still put out content daily that I feel to be beneficial to you as athletes, and more importantly young people.
My heart goes out to you all, and clearly this was not the way we wanted things to turn out. However, what still stands out to me is the many life lessons we have learned thus far, and can continue to learn through this pandemic. We’ve learned we are resilient, dedicated, capable, and able to adapt. Adaptation ,in my opinion, is one of the best skills one can attain; as life continues to move on regardless of our circumstances. Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. We will get through this together. I’m working things out. The incentive program is still in place so keep in contact with your small groups. Information to follow. Today’s Friday so reach out to your small groups for encouragement.
As for today : start by watching the “update” video , followed by the “Friday feature”.
So proud to be your coach!
Coach Patrick

End of the Season

Posted by Rick Fleege at Apr 23, 2020 8:03PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi everyone,

Based on the decision by the governor today, the MSHSL said that all spring sports are officially considered “out of season.” There are a variety of different emotions about all of this for me. As each announcement by the governor this past month subsided, my brain said we wouldn’t have a season at all, but my heart was telling me that we’d have some sort of a season. However, with that said, my heart still hurt today for you when it became official.

What does this mean for our team moving forward? Since we are considered “out of season” now, we can’t post workouts for you. We will still communicate with you (email, Teampages, etc.) and have Zoom meetings. We also plan to have closure to the season.

I am bummed that you weren’t able to compete and obtain personal goals. I am bummed that we weren’t able to be together at meets and practices. But I am proud to be your coach and look forward to how we all grow from this.

PS: To those that ordered from the online apparel store, your clothing is ready. It will be on a table outside the main office. Rose, the secretary, said she will be there from 7:30-11:00 everyday next week to “buzz” you in. If that does not work for you, contact me and I will help you out.


Today would have been the Maple Lake relays. For you freshman that have not participated in this before, it is a fun meet with 7 other teams and it is full of different combinations of relays (including co-ed relays). Athletes run anywhere from 50 meters all the way to 1600m. Field events are administered like normal, but your height/distance is added together with your other teammates in that event.

For today’s workout/meet, I want you to create your own fun, original, but intense workout. Go through our typical warm up and then later cool down, but the core of your workout is up to you. The core of your workout should be no longer than 30 minutes, but have a plan and involve recovery time just like at a meet.

Examples/suggestions: timed sprints from distances of your choice, jump rope competition, step ups onto a bench (as many in 30 seconds), hurdle hops in different directions (as many in 30 seconds), over/under hip mobility step over/step under (as many in 30 30 seconds), etc.

I suggest you go to a playground park and let the equipment dictate what is available to you for challenges.