News and Announcements

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Tuesday, April 14th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 13, 2020 11:16PM PDT

Hello to all,
Today we would normally be headed to Mora. Instead, we are going to be doing a tough workout. So prepare yourself mentally to be tough out there!
It’s also your day to get in touch with your small groups! Your captains will have some news for you, so make sure you get in contact with them!
Also, I made two adjustments to the 1 miler & 2 miler groups workout:
Male:( Gold) you’ll be doing 4 repeats NOT 5.
Male: (Blue) you’ll be doing 3 repeats NOT 4.
Please make the adjustment!
Lastly, watch the “encouragement” video first, as it has some important updates. Then follow that by watching your particular groups workout video.
Today is a great day to challenge yourself. You’re getting into good shape now so keep it going. Keep building on this momentum.
I’m extremely proud of you all!
Coach Patrick


These temperatures outside the next few days will be a challenge, but embrace the sunshine and fresh outdoor air!

Keep your hydration in check. The water you drink today will be in the fibers of your muscles for tomorrow (plus it may help flush any excess sugar from Easter) From that standpoint, stay ahead of the game just like the physical and mental training. If you are a bit behind with our workouts, that’s okay. Jump on board; just look back at the workouts (announcements) posted when this site first started up.
Today’s workout – (Tomorrow would have been our second outdoor meet in Mora) – pre-meet workout
- Warm up jog of 10-15 minutes
- Dynamic stretches
- Wickets and Stick drills
- 3 × 30m flys (accelerate to first marker, sprint for 30 meters, decelerate)
- Static stretches

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Monday, April 13th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 13, 2020 5:35AM PDT

Hello to all,
It’s the start of the 6th week of the season. (Nearly to the halfway point). Keep plugging along! Today’s a shakeout to get you feeling good for tomorrow. So don’t push the pace on today’s run. Watch your specific training video for today, and make it happen! Core & mobility & jumpers videos are found under March 30th.
Also, make sure and hydrate well today. Sometimes when it is cooler out we forget to hydrate as much as we should. Your body still needs water to function properly.
Tomorrow I will release some info that goes over our next week or two; including an incentive program going forward.
Hopefully your Easters all went well and that you enjoyed the reason for the season.
God bless,
Coach Patrick

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Saturday, April 11th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 11, 2020 12:42AM PDT

It’s Saturday! That day in the week that you can use as an opportunity to challenge yourself & your potential. I hope as you read this you understand that you are supported and being rooted for from afar. Keep pushing forward, keep challenging. You’re growing!
Today’s order of events is a quick video “encouragement” followed by your respective training distance.
Jumpers you’re doing one set of the running workout as planned , then one set of the jumpers video and core and mobility.
Ok everyone! Enjoy your day & be grateful for a God who sent His son to die for our sins. We are blessed!
Coach Patrick

Good Friday message

Posted by Rick Fleege at Apr 10, 2020 10:37AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

As I am getting ready to watch the Good Friday mass from my parish of St. Francis Xavier, I was reflecting on the following:
“When life hits you in the mouth” is the title of a chapter in a book that I am currently reading. Underneath the title is a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “The ultimate measure of a person in not where they stand at moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy!”

To me, this describes this particular day for Jesus! He died for us even though he was wrongly accused, and he asked God to forgive those that were beating him, spitting on him, and ridiculing him saying “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”

This time of challenge for us having to stay away from each other, not spend time with extended family, and as athletes not knowing if we will be competing or not is a version of “life hitting us in the mouth.” Stay true to your character through these times as Jesus is doing for us today. Continue to stay strong and stay true to what is asked of us. Really, it could be a matter of life or death for some of those around us.
Sprinters, Jumpers, Hurdlers, Vaulters: Get some exercise with family members today if possible. Get a good stretch in or perform with the video I have recommended in the past “Yoga for sprinters”.

Tomorrow, follow Patrick’s Saturday workout. Stay tuned for his plan.