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Good morning everyone! The “feel like” temperature is currently 11 degrees and it looks like it doesn’t get any higher than 24 today. Regardless get outside for a little jog (5-10 minutes) anyway for the fresh air, blood flow into your legs after the sprints from the last 2 days, and it always is a mood enhancer for our mind as well!

Perform with the “Yoga for Sprinters” video you have used already and then call it good for today. Keep hydrating. It’s easy to forget when it is not ideal temperatures outside.

Watch Patrick’s “Friday’s feature” video. Very good relatable message about what we are all going through, and it’s not just about track but for every thing in our lives!

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Friday, April 3rd

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 3, 2020 1:08AM PDT

It’s Friday!
Another week has come and gone.Today is an easy day, focused on rest and hydration. This will also help to get your legs feeling better for your Saturday (optional) practice.
So please: 1. watch your respective training video (side note: core & mobility video is under March 30th, so make sure and follow along) 2. Watch “Friday feature” video before working out.
Also, reminder that today is Friday, so make sure you are in communication with your small groups. I want you all to write a little something you learned from today’s “Friday Feature”.
You guys are great!
Coach Patrick

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JH Workouts

Posted by Greg Jamison at Apr 2, 2020 8:19AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Good Morning all my 7th and 8th graders. I hope you have all been doing well. I just added the workouts through April 17th. Remember that all warm up and stretches are found in documents. I have seen a few of you out, which is great, keep up the good work. The weather is getting nicer and gives us more time to get out and be active. You should still be doing the circuit workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as well as the daily workouts. We are starting to add more speed so be ready. Please reach out if you have any questions. Good Luck and God Bless.


FYI: Jason has a separate workout at the bottom of this.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the April Fool’s prank on Julie! She fell for it. I received an angry email from her after she received the first email. When a second one arrived, she questioned what was going on. She received several more throughout the day, and then I called her last night to talk about it. She laughed and said it was a clever prank!

I’m going to alter plans due to the potential of tomorrow’s weather. Tomorrow is supposed to be our 3rd speed day of the week, but I want conditions to be better for you. So, we’ll pretend we are at the state track and field meet. Day 1 is prelim races (also finals for half of the field events) and Day 2 is finals, so yesterday’s 23 (27) second workout was our “prelim races”. Today is “finals”. Tomorrow will be a recovery and yoga day.

Warm up and drills

When performing these sprints, go hard. We’re replicating the speed we want to use on the track. If you are feeling good after yesterday’s workout, turn these sprints into fly-in sprints (build up speed so you are at top speed when the 20,30 or 40 meters begin). If not, begin from a starting position at the first marker.
3×20 meters
2×30 meters
1×40 meters
Cool down jog and stretch.

Jason has this workout for jumpers.
“The veterans should know what 3s, 4s and 5s are. (The first 3, 4 and 5 strides from a standing position) Do 2-3 of each, developing consistency and speed from the first step. Make sure your path is flat as possible. Finish with 3 run throughs at 6 or 7 strides (full approach). Have a partner watch your stamps so you are not looking down when you run.
Also during Thursday, Friday or Saturday, if you have a jump rope then jump rope for 5 min as part of your running workout. Lastly, 2x 20 meters of Repetitive takeoffs, Bounding and One legged hops.”

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Thursday, April 2nd

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 1, 2020 11:30PM PDT

Hello team,
Today is your strength based speed workout for the week. I recommend no matter what the workout for your particular training group ; don’t run to fast your first repeat or two. Stick to the percentages I gave for you! Work into the workout.
So today you’ll start with 1. “Encouragement” video. 2. Your respective training group video.
Tomorrow you’re checking in with your small groups. Please make sure and make the effort to stay in contact, and bring an attitude of encouragement.
You’re awesome !
Coach Patrick