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Wednesday-March 25th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 24, 2020 11:55PM PDT

Hello! It’s the middle of the week, and an opportunity to finish the second half as well as you started; or perhaps to finish the week stronger than it started? Whichever side of the coin you are on, the order of today’s practice is:
1. Watch the “Practice plan” video. 2. Scroll down to the “core and mobility“ video (under March 18th), and follow along. Adding in 75 push ups and 75 sit ups at the duration of the video. 3. Stretching and foam rolling.{ Focus on: IT bands, quads, hamstrings , and calves}. 30 + minutes of recovery. 4. Finishing with watching the “Jericho #1” video.
You all are doing so well. Proud to be your coach. Make it a good day.
God bless,
Patrick Fitzgerald


Speed work today: Looks like a good day to be outside.

Warm up – 5-10 minute jog
Drills – A march, A skip, high knees, sprinters butt kick, bounding (like a deer), prime times, 5 hurdle sprint (bunny hop over 5 imaginary hurdles), 2 build up sprints

Blocks: Find a way to create a starting block. Practice until you feel you have 3 good starts with a 10 meter sprint.

Speed: (3 times with full recovery) Accelerate into a sprint. Once you are done accelerating, sprint until you cannot hold onto that pace and then decelerate. Focus on your form – (body posture, arm motion, foot strike, vertical force into the ground)

Finish with 3 finish-line sprints: Pretend you are competing with 1 or more sprinters on an 8 lane track, and you are in lane 4. Sprint the last 20 meters of your 100 or 200 and practice “finishing the race”. Maintain your running form, thrust your head forward before crossing the finish line, start your deceleration after taking 3 steps beyond your finish line. Do not run 100 or 200 as you were close to that during your previous 3 sprints; just build up and fly into the 20 meter sprint.

Give yourself a good 10-15 minute stretch. If you have a family member that could give you a good partner stretch like we did during the first week, that’d be better.

Tomorrow: recovery workout

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Tuesday- March 24th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 23, 2020 10:50PM PDT

Ok! It’s that time again. You are even more prepared today, than last week for your hill repeats. So stay positive and focus on consistency.
Please watch the video titled “Encouragement” before watching your respective workout video for the day.
Also, check your email & be an active participant in the small group discussions for the day. You guys are awesome! Have a good day.
God bless,
Coach Patrick


Good morning guys,

I hope Unified Classroom is working better this week for everyone. I know they spent most of yesterday trying to prevent all the delays and that darned tangled up cat in yarn (I know many of you saw that picture pop up on your screen) from last week.

Follow Jason’s jumping workout:
Mark off 20-25 meters and do each drill 2x:
Buildups- start slow and build to top speed
Skip for height – knee drive high
Skip for distance – knee drive low
Bounding – be aggressive, but feel the slow motion/ floating feeling between contacts
Repetitive takeoffs (1, 2, 3 jump, 1, 2, 3 jump . . .) – stay tall

Add in the wicket (use sticks, boards, tape, etc.) drills. Put down 15 wickets spaced 5 feet apart.
– hands overhead, airplane, gun, hug, raise the roof, full arms
Now add in the PVC pipe drills (or a broom stick)
– Remember as Mike said, your body naturally goes into proper sprinting form (minus the arms) to be a strong and efficient runner.
Finish with 2 sprints without the wickets for that same distance.

Tomorrow: Speed

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Monday-March 23rd

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 22, 2020 11:45PM PDT

Hello to all! It’s Monday, which means it’s the beginning of a new week; a fresh start to accomplish your goals!
As promised, I broke the training squad into small groups to encourage a tighter team atmosphere through communication and encouragement. Please do reach out to your other teammates as well. However , twice a week (Monday and Thursday) I am asking that you communicate on a group thread with your group mates.
As for today! Please start by watching : 1. Your specific training plan for today, 2.the “small group” video.
Get after it this week! You got this.
God bless,
Coach Patrick
Ps. The drills , and core and mobility videos are under March, 18ths videos. So scroll down to March 18th to access.