News and Announcements


The April Fool’s joke is working! Thanks to those that sent one! If you haven’t yet, send yours. She’s concerned and sending me emails back with Mr. Keenan being copied to the email. :)

Okay, on a serious note: Speed workout today.

Warm up and do the typical drills.

2 × 23 (or 27) second sprints. That’s it! I picked this up at a coaching clinic this winter from a coach with state championship relay teams. He does this for his “lactic acid days”. Simply put; 23 seconds should be somewhat close to 200 meters for boys and 27 seconds for girls.

You need to have someone help time and mark your distance if you can’t do it yourself. Simply sprint as hard as you can for 23 seconds. Fully recover and do it again (trying to beat the last distance).

Cool down and stretch.

Wednesday, April 1st - April Fool's prank

Posted by Rick Fleege at Apr 1, 2020 8:12AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Would you help me play a prank on Julie Murphy? Would you send her an email asking her if she gave Mr. Fleege permission to work on track and field events in the pit. Tell her you saw the high jump pad out and he is working with a couple of athletes this morning.

It’s okay. Mr. Keenan and Ms. Crispo know that I’m orchestrating this! :)

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Wednesday, April 1st

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Apr 1, 2020 12:30AM PDT

It is April fools, but don’t be a fool…. do your workout for the day!
Today’s order of videos will be: 1. “Encouragement” 2. Your respective training distance 3. (Sprinters and jumpers only) will watch/do the “jumpers” video (under March 30th)
4. “Core & mobility” (Under March 30th) 5. “Parable # 2”
Please make sure and complete the videos in that order. You’re half way through the week. Keep it up.
Miss you all!
God bless,
Coach Patrick


Normal warm up and drills

Wickets and Stick drills
Wickets (use sticks, boards, tape, etc.) drills. Put down 15 wickets spaced 5 feet apart.
– hands overhead, airplane, gun, hug, raise the roof, full arms
Now add in the PVC pipe drills (or a broom stick)
– Remember as Mike said, your body naturally goes into proper sprinting form (minus the arms) to be a strong and efficient runner.

Finish with 2 sprints without the wickets for that same distance.

Find a video (or if you have your own routine) that performs bodyweight only exercises. Right now, there are tons of in-home workouts available on youtube.

Finish with a good stretch (Dynamic and Static).

Speed tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 25th - Check in Day

Posted by Rick Fleege at Mar 31, 2020 8:29AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Good morning everyone,

We, as coaches, have been wondering how everyone is doing. Not seeing you every day is already tough on all of us, but we want to know. Check in with us! Hearing your feedback after a workout has always been important. I have watched all of Patrick’s videos, and I hear him give workouts based on those “in shape” or “not there yet”. I wonder too as I type up the workout to you how you are doing.

The reality of each of your training situations is different: the time of day for your workout; the conditions and/or location for your workout; are you by yourself or do you have a sibling or parent with you during a workout; your diet-sleep-hydration habits; and ________ (fill in the blank for what I am missing). These all factor into how your training is advancing. With that said, I do feel for you specialized event athletes the most. I wish I could give you access to hurdles, a shot put, a discus, a high jump pit, a sand pit, and poles and vaulting pad. However, keep mental training to always be ready.

We can’t control what type of season we will or will not have. What we can control is how we respond to the situation we currently have. Relationships are a control factor and I would argue the biggest one as we look at the big picture of life. We have been forming or have formed relationships with our teammates and coaches because of track and field. Keep nurturing those. Those go beyond the season and will impact us in ways that we already know or do not understand yet, but they will be a bigger influence on us than our season (if we have a short season or none at all). The unknown of this situation is challenging to comprehend, but as I have stated many times that “everything happens for a reason” and IT IS God’s plan and that in itself is our comfort.

Keep training to be ready, check in with us. Type a comment on your coaches workout post here on Teampages. If you don’t want it public, you may go under the “Roster” tab and “message” the coach you work with the most when we were together face to face to let them know how you are doing.

Let us know what we can do for you! We care for you and miss you!