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March 31st, Tuesday

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 31, 2020 6:34AM PDT

Well it’s Tuesday, which means it’s hills repeats in my program!!!! No, we will not do hill repeats every Tuesday of the season. However, we will use the hill repeats as an opportunity to gain fitness in the early stages of my program.
Today I want you to watch the “March 31st Instruction” video, and go from there.
The main focus of today, is to see the fruits of your hard work thus far. Generally coaches add or take away repeats / workload from week to week. Today I am freezing that, and giving you the chance to run the exact hill repeat video from 2 weeks ago (which is under March 17th). So after watching your video for today scroll down in the videos to March 17th and find your respective workout for the day.
Lastly, make sure and check in with your small groups. Small groups = big help to stay motivated and accountable. Keep working hard!
Added challenge: 75 push ups & sit ups today
Proud of you ,
Coach Patrick

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March 30 Throwers

Posted by Willie willats at Mar 30, 2020 10:28AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Sorry I’ve been spotty on this thing. I’m getting used to working from home, and it is a busy time of the month. I want my throwers to be continuing to do lots of core work, push ups, and body squats. We can get stronger without equipment. Also, everyone need to continue to work on their form and footwork. My plan is to post some videos later today. Keep getting after it, and we will come out of this stronger.


Hi everyone! There is no (simulated) meet this week so we will work speed today, Wednesday, and Friday. Our first outdoor meet was scheduled for next Tuesday in Little Falls, so we’ll simulate then.

As a reminder when warming up (which includes jogging, skip and lunge sequence, A-step, A-skip, sprinters butt kicks, 5 bunny hops and sprint, and accelerations), treat each warm up as you are preparing to compete. Keep warm clothes on during the warm up and spend 15-20 minutes minimally during this phase of practice. Take proper care of your muscles as we are running fast today.

If you are a jumper, Jason said to follow Patrick’s jumpers workout video as it was pretty close to what he wanted you to accomplish today anyway.

3 starts (create your best starting blocks) – 90 power angle in front leg, strong first arm thrust, head low and accelerate over 20-30 meters. Once you hit top speed, start to decelerate.

Rest for full recovery – (5 minutes) between each fly. Continue to stretch.

3 × 30 meter fly (which means accelerate until you hit your first marker then sprint @ 100% for 3 meters to the next marker and decelerate)

Rest for full recovery – (5 minutes) between each fly. Continue to stretch.

1 simulated strong finish – Pick a finish line and distance that you know you can maintain top speed (pick a motivation – time to beat or pretend competitor) and WIN THE RACE!!!

If you have the time, I would recommend Patrick’s newest “Core and mobility” video that he posted this morning. Otherwise do a cool down stretch before you call it a complete practice!

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Monday- March 30th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 30, 2020 1:33AM PDT

Hello to all,
It’s a fresh start! For some of you that offers the chance to continue your commitments, and to others a great opportunity to jump back on the wagon & commit yourself to a solid week of training.
This week we start a new session of core & mobility, which will last for the next two weeks. Also, captains tomorrow is a check in date with your groups. So please be prepared to reach out. Thank you!
As for the order of the videos for today. Please start by watching 1.”Starter video” 2. Your respective training video.
3. “Core & mobility” 4. (Just for my jumpers) “Jumping drills” 5. “Recovery”
You all are doing so well. Keep it up.
God bless,
Coach Patrick

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Saturday- March 28th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at Mar 28, 2020 1:15AM PDT

It’s Saturday!
Which means it’s that optional workout. I encourage you guys to get out there and make it happen. You’re all working so hard; let this extra workout help you keep improving your running abilities.
Watch “Saturday” video followed by your respective workout.
Best wishes & God bless ,
Coach Patrick