News and Announcements

Senior Tribute - Ben Reuter

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 4, 2020 6:41AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Ben, I appreciate your leadership, hard work, sense of humor, conversations, and the way you represented Cathedral High School (and not just on the track, but in the many events that you attended as our fan section leader)!

Senior Tribute - Ben Reuter

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 4, 2020 6:39AM PDT ( 1 Comment )

Ben, I appreciate your leadership, hard work, sense of humor, conversations, and the way you represented Cathedral High School (and not just on the track, but in the many events that you attended as our fan section leader)!

Sprinters - Monday May 4th - Plyometrics

Posted by Rick Fleege at May 4, 2020 6:21AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

As I said last week, the sprinting workout should be performed twice a week. Follow the workout that’s in the “document” tab under “media”. The other days will be for some form of strength building with a focus on developing the core (all muscles that attach to the hip area and spinal column)

The first non-running workout of the week is plyometrics (see the attached document). This is when you activate your muscles into a forceful contraction right after they were relaxing. This stimulates the muscles to move quickly called a stretch-shortening cycle. The classic plyometric is jumping rope: the muscles attached to your ankle are relaxed in between each jump and then they forcefully contract for the jump.

This full workout should only be performed twice a week since it is taxing on your body. So, I suggest saving the second workout for Thursday, Friday, or Saturday of this week (depending on when you do your first plyometric workout).

The document T_F_off-season_training.pdf was attached to this post.

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Monday, May 4th

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at May 3, 2020 9:46PM PDT

“Many will start fast, few will finish strong.”
-Gary Ryan Blaire
The finish line is in sight, you’re almost there. Part of finishing strong is all wrapped up in one word: PURPOSE. So find a purpose this next 4 weeks of training. Everyone’s purpose may be different, and that’s ok. Just have one. Some days that purpose may just be to get out of the house, and other days may be more inspiring. However, the main goal is to finish strong! You’re worth it.
I’m super proud of the work you have put in thus far. Let’s see this through now.
So today let’s set the tone, start by: watching the “encouragement“ video, followed by your respective training video. *Core & mobility video / jumpers video under April 15th.
Thanks for being a part of this journey.
Coach Patrick

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Saturday, May 2

Posted by Patrick Fitzgerald at May 2, 2020 12:23AM PDT

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke
If you’re reading this it means you are about to take on the challenge of the optional day of training. Good for you!
It’s going to be a warm weekend / warming up in general. So continue to focus on hydration. It makes a big difference.
Sprinters & jumpers:
•10 minute warm up
•5 strides of 10 seconds per stride
•1 by 25 seconds (90%), 3 minutes recovery. 1 by 20 seconds (95%) 4 minutes recovery. 1 by 15 seconds (@95%) 5 minutes rest recovery.
•2 sets (jumpers one set, and one round of the jumpers workout)
•Finish with a 5 minute walk for cool down
•Stretch & foam roll (30 minutes)

800m & 1 miler :
Long run today
Males: 45 minutes. Females: 38 minutes. Drills. 5 strides of 10 seconds per stride. Core & mobility (1 circuit) . Stretch & foam roll (30 minutes)

1 miler & 2 miler:
Long run today
Males(Gold) 65 minutes. Males(Blue) 45 minutes. Females: 40 minutes.
Drills. 5 strides of 10 seconds per stride. Core & mobility (1 circuit) . Stretch & foam roll (30 minutes)

Keep working hard. It’s worth it.
Coach Patrick